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Everyday our world is confronted with more wars and depredation. The ruling class do not care about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people as they use wars to maintain their dictatorships, plunders and exploitations. in fact they are so far detached from their humanity that they can use these circumstances for their advantage in their deal making agendas.
Having turned the Middle East, especially Syria, into a bloodbath for their own personal gains, they are portraying “helping” people fleeing the war as kindness on their part. Hundreds of thousands of people have left their homes, thousanfs dying in the process of trying to reach safety.
The living standards of Syrians who have no choice but to live in Turkey speaks for iteself. Many are working for really low wages, sleeping rough on the streets or becoming victimes of human trafficking.
The Turkish government considers itself as a humanitarian hero for opening its borders to Syrian refugees. Despite their role in the destruction of those people’s lives and forcing them to leave their country in the first place due to its foreign policy, Turkish government and the President Erdogan are negotiating with the European Union over the refugees. They use the refugee issue as a trump card and want to ensure that the EU remains silent while waging a war on the Kurdish people.
By committing a crime against humanity in refusing entry to refugees who are trying to escape with their lives from a war that they have no fault in, EU countries remain insistenly hypocrytical with their strategies, as they do so with other policies too. This ignites racism and creates tension, increasing racist attacks on the refugees and migrants.
Many politicians, writers, trade unionists and journalists consistently try to raise awareness of the unfolding calamity. We wanted to focus on the subject of wars and the refugees as part of this year’s festival and bring together the working people living in London with experts on the topic.
25 June, Saturday
North London Community House
Ercüment Akdeniz
John Rees
Stop The War Coalition "