Art activities as essential to developing the creativity and confidence of our children, and we are pleased to welcome you all to a family fun day at which children can make new friends, discover new talents and get involved in creative fun and games
As parents we all want to be able to support our children so that they can live long, happy and fulfilled lives. In recent years, sadly we have seen the politics of austerity impact on the future prospects of our children who are already said to be amongst some of the unhappiest children in the world. Under the Conservative government our children’s schools have become increasingly under resourced and over crowded, which in turn is impacting on the ability of our much loved schools and teachers from providing the education our children deserve. We know that this must change, and at Day-Mer we have been working with children and parents in our community to fight against these austerity politics.
There are few opportunities for children in North London explore new skills or share their talents amongst their peers and families. This is is why we have continued to provide local families an opportunity to engage in cultural and art activities, and have brought together a variety of performances by children who have taken part in music, dance and arts workshops in the past year. We look forward to seeing you and your families so that we can support our young talented friends.
24 June, Saturday
Time 12:00 - 18:00
Haringey 6th Form College"