Over the last decade, Day-Mer has been in the forefront of research about community needs in the policy areas of youth, education and the welfare needs of the community, producing the most comprehensive data set about the Turkish and Kurdish communities of London. Derived from its experience of providing frontline services to the community, this work responds to the evident lack of data and the representation of migrants from Turkey whose needs have intensified drastically during the austerity years and with the Coronavirus pandemic.
The organisation continues to engage Hackney Advice Forum, BMER Advice Network, Hackney/Haringey Council, GLA, other Turkish/Kurdish and local community organisations and universities both to inform the policy debate with the needs of groups it serves, but also to facilitate collaboration on the face of lack of specific services. Day-Mer also is regularly contacted and inputs into research carried out by statutory bodies, service providers and universities on the needs of its target groups.
As well as aiming to update the data available about the socio-economic needs of the communities, current Day-Mer objectives in this field of work includes considerations to carry out a community research about the needs and issues of Turkish and Kurdish women.